Installing garage door opener may be a complicated thing to do if you don’t know how to do it. However, if you want to install it by yourself, you may need a guide to doing it. As long as you read the instruction and follow the steps carefully, you can install it in no time. Here are some easy steps how to install a garage door opener that may help you.
1. Install A New One or Replace the Existing One?
This step is important to make your job easier. You should know whether you will install a new garage door opener or replace the existing one with a new product. When you install a new one, then you need extra time to read the instruction, then you need to sort the parts carefully. After that, you can start to install the parts according to the instructions.
If you replace an existing garage door opener, you should decide whether you replace it with a similar model or different one. Replacing the door opener with a similar model will ease you since you can use existing parts or supports.
It will also be easy if you leave the old opener in position until you are ready to install the new one since you can get the visual reference. However, if you want to install a different one, you may do the steps as installing the new one.
2. Be Careful with Electrical Components
If you don’t know how to install the electrical equipment then it is best to seek professional help. It is also highly suggested to not reuse the electrical parts of the old one since they may not suit the new unit. The old one has usually damaged or worn so it is best to use the new electrical equipment for the new unit.
3. Sort All the Parts Before Assembling the Unit
This is the most important thing to do which you may skip. You need to sort all the parts before the assembly process. You need to figure out which parts go to which parts. You can know it from the instruction book in the package or the product’s website. This step is also essential to get to know whether there are missing parts or not.
4. Make Sure the Door is In Well Condition
The door will move and need to support itself when you use door opener. Your door is good when you open it halfway and it doesn’t move when you let it go.
You also need a balanced door because if your door is an imbalance the motor need to work harder and your opener may quickly wear out or something dangerous may happen.
So, if you have an imbalance door, get help from the pros to make it balance or replace the door to avoid an unwanted incident.
5. Prepare the Tools in Advance
When you read the instructions, you may get the tools list that you need to prepare. It will be convenient for you to get the tools ready before starting to assemble the door opener.
You don’t need extra time to search for the right tool in the middle of installing process. It will disturb your workflow and end up forgetting your plan. That’s why it is important to read the instruction carefully before starting anything.
6. Install the Rail
The next steps how to install a garage door opener here. After figuring out which part goes where you may already get the picture of the unit. Then, you should start by installing the rail.
The rail usually comes in several slot pieces and when you assembly it, you need the trolley which connects the rail to the door and moves along the rail. After you finish it, then you should take the motor unit and fasten the rail to it.
7. Install the Chain for the Idler Pulley
The next step is installing the chain. Not only the chain itself but also including the idler pulley. This idler pulley will be on the door end of the track.
The chain is not continuous such as bike chain, but only longer than the rail. The chain loop will be completed with a cable which passes over the idler puller to the motor unit.
8. Install Bracket to Support the Door End
One thing that you should not forget is to support the door end. The package will include a larger piece of lumber or bar which will be the header bracket and support the door at the end of the track. This bracket will be set up to the frame above the door.
9. Hang the Motor Unit
Then, you should hang the motor unit to the ceiling. You will need some pieces of angle iron to do this. Make sure you securely mount the motor unit so it will not suddenly drop.
The next one is mounting the rail to the header bracket and the bracket will give it support. To make it easier for you, you can use a tall stepladder to support the motor unit so you can see from below whether the unit is in the desire position or not yet.
10. Assembly the Door Bracket and Arm
If you notice the L-shaped bar, usually made of metal, it is the arm. The arm functions to attach the trolley on the rail and the door. Once again, you need to carefully assembly this part to secure your garage door opener. If you want to install garage door opener, you need to know about this.
11. Put the Electronic Equipment On
After finishing the brackets, frame, and arm, it is the time for the electronic equipment. You need to find the safety sensor and also the door button. The wire for garage door opener is usually low-voltage and it is simple to stick to the ceiling and walls. So you will not find any difficulties with this step.
12. Program and Test the Unit
It is time to program the motor unit. Follow the instructions on how to do it and then test it. Make sure that your door travels properly and safely. Don’t forget to measure the safe distance between the motor unit, the door travel, and your vehicle so you don’t need to reassemble the parts again.