There are various garage door designs that you can choose nowadays. You cannot forget to choose the designs to match the whole house theme, color, or you can also style it with your own preferences. But, you cannot only choose the beautiful designs without considering the practicality, uses, or even safety for your home.

Of course. those things are important because the garage later will become the safest place for your vehicle or maybe the best place to put your gym equipment, or else. Whatever it is, here are some ideas you can copy to design your own garage door.

1. Rustic

Building a detached garage can be an alternative to be a perfect companion for your main house. The garage door uses rustic style which emphasizes natural and earthy themes. You don’t need to design it with lots of materials because it will only focus on the material and the minimalized texture. Just install an overhead lamp to emphasize the rustic style as well as providing an additional light outside the garage.

Rustic Lakeside Garage Door Design Ideas

Image: Lands End Development

2. Vintage

Old is new. This saying is suitable for the vintage-looking garage door which is adopted from the 1920’s. Leave it unpainted and it will add a more vintage touch to the house. It will be perfect to choose the vintage garage door if you have capstones for your wall. The combination will be perfect to show the aged, soft, and natural look for the house.


Image: The Creativity Exchange

3. Mid-century Modern

If you are looking for a combination of traditional and non-traditional materials, the mid-century modern theme will go well with you. The garage door design focuses on the function rather than the form itself. The design is quite minimal, yet you can see gentle curves and clean lines on the design. Then, combine the woods with frosted-glass to give a new touch for the garage.


Image: Moss Yaw

4. White-themed

Choosing the right color for your garage door is also an important thing to considerate. It is fine if you want to choose a bright colored theme to incorporate your black and white themed house. But, if you want to create a softer look, you can choose a white-themed garage door for your white-themed house.


Image: Zachary Glenn

5. Courtyard

If you have a large house, building a courtyard garage will be perfect for you. It will also perfect if you happen to own some cars in your house. The courtyard will be perfect if you want to display your cars or just warm them up in the morning. The good thing is it will provide cleaner air and it will allow the smoke to escape.

6. Modern

A modern garage door design will go well with the contemporary architecture of your house. This design has clear steel frames that add bolder look for your house. The steel will also enhance the quality and the durability of your garage door.

Don’t worry, although it looks heavy, the material itself is quite lightweight, yet it will withstand various climate conditions. Use mirror glass to emphasize the modern touch of your house as well as adding thermal insulation property for your house.

Tips to Build Your Perfect Garage Door

Looking for the best garage door design for you will not complete if you don’t consider the following things. Consider these things and you will have your own garage door design.

1. Consider the Style

The most important thing to design your garage door is to choose the right style that will go with the overall style of the house. It will be the first step to consider before remodeling your garage door. For example, you have a rustic-themed house and you can match it with the rustic-themed garage door. The suitable style will enhance the overall theme of the house.

2. Play with Color

Don’t forget to consider to choose the right color for the garage door. There are basically two options for you, choosing the one to match the main color of your house or choosing a contrasting color to make the garage door color pops up.

You can choose a white garage door to match your white-themed house, as mentioned previously. But, you can also choose bright red for your garage door to make it stands out.

3. Choose the Right Material

There are various materials you can use to make your garage doors, such as wood, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and others. You cannot choose whatever material that comes out in your mind, but you need to make sure that the material you choose will be suitable for any weather.

Some materials also need constant maintenance and you definitely need to consider it as well to maintain the condition of the garage door.

4. Add Finishing Touch

You can just make the garage door with plain design, but you can also add some more accessories or hardware for your garage door. There are lots of things you can add to decorate the door, such as an additional headlamp, steel frame, frosted glass, and many more.

But, before you add some more accessories for the door, again, you need to consider the style you want for the garage so that it won’t overwhelm the overall theme.

5. Ensure the Safety and Insulation

Making the garage doors is not merely choosing the design, but you also need to consider the safety and the insulation. The safety here can be in form of prone to extreme change of weather and it can be in form of free from intruder.

You also need to consider providing good insulation based on the climate of your house. The best thing you can do is to research it first so that you can provide better insulation for your house. It is important to invest more money to ensure safety as well as providing a good insulation system rather than wasting more money to repair the garage door in the future.

6. Hire Professionals

Replacing and installing a garage door can be tough for you to do it alone and consider hiring professionals to help you here.

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