Garage door commonly takes one third of the overall house front layout. This is why how it looks matter a lot actually. While inside the garage is important, the exterior also needs to look great too. Especially if you plan to sell the house, making it looks legit is crucial. Check out the following ideas for inspiration.
1. Contrasting Color
Adding contrasting colors on your garage exterior is the first wise step. This picture shows how the brick wall looks even better with the dark finished mahogany garage door and its white lining. They are all contrasting as well as completing each other very well too.
You can always use different colors combination, but it is important to get the consistency and a theme while selecting the color.
2. Vines
Vines will make a nice natural addition to your garage exterior decoration. To make sure it captures your garage design, let it grow in arch way on the sides and over the garage door.
While it makes the entire property looks even more expensive and fresh, it actually balance the entire details especially when you have too plan look for your garage.
3. Little Garden
Of course, it doesn’t mean you have to build a garden right in front of the garage door. Just a little on the side, and add a small garden that is nicely grown.
To make it consistent and looks like your garage exterior a part of it, add one or two elements on the garden on your garage exterior wall.
4. Potted Plants
Potted plant is a good idea as it adds the natural elements on a structural layout. It adds color on a plain finish, and it makes sure you have all the benefits of greeneries without so much mess.
Make sure to select the pot carefully to match the theme, and choose small potted bushes to create a puffy look on a modern garage.
5. Clean Boarded Driveway
If the building alone is already nice and good looking, you only need a driveway that actually looks clean and clear. It shows safety as well sophistication.
Natural stones are great border material as it blends just nicely with your soft grass. Asphalt or concrete finish on the driveway will be great too. Adding some lights along the border won’t hurt.
6. Attractive Down Lighting
Down lighting here refers to lighting you put rather above as the main illumination. It makes sure your garage exterior is bright enough during the dark for safety reasons.
In addition to it, this lighting also highlights your exterior look. If you choose a nice looking model for the light, your garage exterior will look extra during the day too.
7. The Piping
This garage adopts the modern classic look but it gets a contrastive detail from the piping. It looks striking on the white wall and it looks really nice there.
If you have such piping setting as well, it will be nice to repaint them with a color that actually a part of the entire exterior look. It will blend naturally while it adds the point of interest.
8. Crystal Clear above Garage Windows
If you have an above garage area, it will be nice to add windows to let in some lights into the room. This is also a chance to enhance your garage exterior look.
Create consistent for the garage and add clear window glass to give light and bright feeling on a monotone exterior. It instantly makes your garage exterior stunning.
9. Arbors
If your garage exterior is already finished in the right colors, it will be nice to add only small details and accents. This garage door features plain white color in sand and bottle green wall.
Those details are then completed with modern black coach light and white arbor right on the door sides. It looks fresh, classic, and modern at the same time.
10. Awning
Most of the time, house owners make sure their garage exterior is decorated in a bright way that they forget to add some shade as well. Luckily, this is a simple problem to solve.
Add awnings right over your garage door. It can be wooden, fabric, or else. Wooden awning and arbor look best with vines though, and it adds proper shadow while it looks calm and classy.
11. Stone Pavement
Concrete and asphalt driveway are great, but you can also try something else for more casual look. There are options like natural stones as well as grass, which give you a more natural and inviting look.
Combine those two materials for your driveway. Add some gaps between the stones to give the grass some room. Now your garage turns into an expensive looking place effortlessly.
12. Clear Window to Showcase
Make your attractive garage interior a part of your garage exterior decoration. To make it possible, you only need to add clear glass windows on your garage door.
While it looks like you only modify a little of your garage structural, you actually add some effective decoration in here. It looks clean, modern, and spontaneous. It will turn every eye.
13. Custom Hardware
There are times when we look at the garage exterior, and it has almost every element the right way. Yet, it feels like something is missing. But, what?
Often, you only forget to get the new hardware. Pick new matching hardware. Choose something that actually matches your theme and the other details. By then, it will look stunning instantly.
14. Warm Up Lighting
While your down lighting will be your main illumination of the garage exterior, your up lighting will make sure the area gets a little drama too.
It can be placed among the plants or other strategic spots. It adds the warmth while it actually makes the entire exterior layout more sophisticated and expensive.
15. Modern Garage Door
The last recommendation will be the modern garage door. Modern fancy garage door is a powerful decoration when it comes to your garage exterior. It upgrades the entire look while it turns the eye just easily.